A short time later, my friend and former partner in crime arrived. Here is Rodney, all grins & he was introduced at the meeting as a new H.O.G. member. Now, I know almost all of you reading this post knows what H.O.G. is..But for those of you who have no clue, it stands for Harley Owners Group. For a brief history, click on the following link:
Here are Sissy & the current local H.O.G. Chapter director, LeRoy..
Here is Leland, fresh out of the hospital from having a stint put in..He can drive a four wheeler now, but will soon be back in the wind on his Harley..Heal quick Leland...
Here is Lance talking to Leland. Rodney fills out some paperwork behind Lance, and Rodney's daughter, Rianne looks on..
Here is Jim, Patties husband. He has put together a ride, this Monday, for the Blue Knights Texas XX. I asked him where we were going and he said "South". South is good...
A view of the showroom floor from the 2nd floor meeting room..I want the first 105th Anniversary in the line,(with the saddlebags, faring & backrest...) Anyone have 20 grand I can borrow?
Another view of the showroom..
Here is that big Harley-Davidson sign, up close, that I usually see from the ground floor when I raise my eyes to heaven & ask God to let me find 20 grand or so..After all, He rides a Harley, doesn't He? That's what they have always said...This is Mike in the chair & Sharon behind him and Darrell, one of the Road Captains is in the red shirt next to Sharon, & Greg is in the black shirt
Greg, a former co-worker and good friend, arrives upstairs from his office downstairs...
Pattie & Leland (both in the black shirts) listening & checking out the membership present..
Mike, in the chair, Greg, Sharon, Rob (General Manager of Red River Harley Davidson), Helen (white shirt next to Sissy) Sissy & Lance, (directly in front of the fireplace in the dark shirts), & Gloria (Big Mike's wife) and the back of Steve's head (Sissy's husband), are taking in the information the speaker is giving to the members..
Sharon, Big Mike, Rob, Helen, Sissy, Jim & Gloria are enjoying the meeting. Ya can tell by the grins...
Row one: Left to right: Tybee (blue hair), Tammy, Tim, then Pattie & Leland in the dark shirts, are listening intently to LeRoy as he goes into some Chapter business.
This will conclude Part I. Scroll down and continue the local H.O.G. Chapter Meeting & Dinner Run Part II. Be sure to click on the "older posts" link on the bottom of EACH page for more rides/events & posts going back to January 08. Until the next ride/post, ya'll be careful out there, ride safe & keep the rubber on the road............John aka "Snapshot"
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