Security was tight. Tight like several officers, not drunk tight as tight is referred to in some parts of the U.S. These are a couple former co-workers of mine, Van (Sgt) and Tony.
This is Ted & Inez. Most of you regular viewer's of this blog recognize Ted from several of the ride posts. He is also a fellow PGR member. This is the first picture I got of Inez. I have a viewer from Ft. Collins that pops up on my map quite often and Ted & Inez told me that was their daughter Vicki. So, Hi Vicki up there in God's country. Come on back to Texas and enjoy the hot & muggy weather. When Vicki comes down again, I am going to have Ted & Inez introduce me to her and I will have her smiling face right here with her folks on the North Texas Bikers Blog.
Here is Russ, Jerry & Charles. They are regulars on here and Russ was one of the leaders when the test rides went out. He is also an instructor at The Riders Edge Program at RRHD. Charles is President of the local chapter of C.M.A and Jerry is Vice President.(
I went into the dealership & found Jennie. I promised Jennie & the other sales staff that I would be back & do an update. This was a BIG sale and event, and Sarah & Amber were busy. So was Jennie, but she let me take a couple of pics and a semi-portrait shot at her request. Here is her tattoo.
This is Jennie, an outstanding sales person & individual. I think she is also a C.M.A. member. I could be wrong, but she was out there with them during the Sturgis reststop at the dealership and blessed a bike or two..
Jennie always has a smile on her face and is cheerful and fun to be around.
Here is Jennie with another former co-worker of mine, Kyle. Kyle was a Sgt when I retired in 2004 and now he is a LT. I was so busy running my mouth & yappin' at everyone, that I lost track of time. I got a phone call shortly after I took this and Jeremy and David & David's nephew, Jeremy were waiting for me down at P-2 as that was the staging point for the Memorial Run and first bike out was 10 minutes from then (noon). I headed out, ran to the house & got my vest, started downtown and stopped for gas and made it there by 12:15 pm.
This is Jimmy, a firefighter and a friend of David's nephew, Jeremy. For the purpose of this post, David's nephew will just be Jeremy , as I don't know his last name. And Jeremy with the Harley will be Jeremy T.
We left P-2 and headed out for Oklahoma, where our first stop was. This is Jeremy T, Jimmy and David up front on the white Goldwing.
As we head up I-44 Northbound we have Jeremy T, Jimmy, David & Jeremy way out front on his Goldwing
Jeremy T & Jimmy as we head North on I-44 towards Randlett Oklahoma.
Another view of Jeremy T and Jimmy Northbound
As we enter Oklahoma and head down County Rd N2580, the first casino we pass is the Kiowa Casino. Our destination was the Comanche Red River Casino, which was down the road a mile or so..
I look to the West and the clouds were angry looking.
Here we are closing in on our destination. If you click the pic, you can see the Casino on the left up ahead.
This is Scotty's Harley parked in front of the Casino.
This is Jeremy, David's nephew. He definitely has a sense of humor, once ya get to know him..
This is Jeremy T & Scotty. Jeremy T will be on this blog alot as he just moved to the Wichita falls area and likes to ride. He is on my ride notification list and is a blast to be around.
Outside the Casino left to right: Jeremy, me, David & Jeremy T. Thanks Scotty for taking the picture for us...
More bikes in the parking lot of the Casino, stop 1 of 4.
More bikes in the parking lot. I think they really had a good turn out for the Chris Brumley Memorial Run, considering there were three other local rides going on & the Red River Harley Davidson event.
Another great looking bike at the Casino.
This is Jeremy, Mrs. Brumley (Chris Brumley's mom) and David. This picture is blurred & I was going to delete it, but she asked me to keep it and put it in this post. I have another, unblurred picture of Mrs. Brumley back at the final stop in Texas at P2. The picture was taken inside the Casino which is VERBOTEN!!
A view of David and Jeremy as we head back to Wichita Falls and stop #2, The Lazy Dog Saloon, on Scott Street. That's a partial view of Jeremy T in the bottom left corner.
Here is Jeremy T, David & Jeremy as we continue our Southbound ride. The sky was even starting to turn blue out to the Southwest..
Jeremy T, David & Jeremy still Southbound on I-44
Jeremy T & his Lone Wolf patch. It was because of his vest that we met Jeremy T... Sheila,(our local patch, vest, uniform, seamstress Goddess), out at Surles Loan by the main gate of Sheppard AFB, put us in touch after we stopped by & saw her as she was sewing patches on his vest...
Here we arrive at Stop 2, The Lazy Dog Saloon, a very popular biker bar in Wichita Falls. Here are some of the bikes in the parking lot.
Inside The Lazy Dog Saloon, we get our tickets from Carleen & Bridgette.
One of the walls inside the Lazy Dog Saloon.
We go back out, mount up and head out for Stop 3, Knuckle Heads, another popular biker bar.
Cindy, Jennifer & Kim..Now I probably am in trouble with Jennifer because she picked one of the pictures to put on the post and one not to..My CRS is in full swing and I forgot which one she wanted, so, I put on both. Jennifer, e-mail me and let me know or call & I will remove the one you don't want on.
A Harley in the parking lot of Knuckle Heads.
Bike inside of Knuckle Heads. There were two bikes on the floor. I had a brain fart and didn't get a pic of the other one.
Me & Jennifer. She is a real sweet person and has had to put up with the kind of grief that someone so young shouldn't of had to. I am referring to the reason why we are having her husband's Memorial Ride today.. But her being here today is testimony to the inner strength she draws on to get her through.
As we get ready to leave Knuckle Heads and head back to P2, Jeremy T is all grins and ready to go.
Some more impressive bikes in the parking lot as we leave & head back North on Scott St.
One of the waitresses at P-2, Sandra, strikes up a pose on Jeremy T's Harley, with an appreciative Jeremy T. next to her.
Some of the crowd & bikes in the parking lot of P-2
Inside of P-2 was as busy as it was outside..
A view back towards the business from the stage area
A view of what was once, earlier, the registration table.
Another view from the stage area..Folks were getting ready for the upcoming door prize drawings.
Here's Gina, having a good time. She was a lot of fun.
This is David and Channon. Channon is one of the waitresses at P-2 and was very busy but took time out for photos.
Our bikes in the parking lot of P-2: Jeremy's maroon Goldwing, David's white Goldwing, Jeremy T's black Harley and my blue/silver Vulcan (Ms. Clone)
Not to be out done, here is Channon & Jeremy T.
More bikes in the parking lot of P-2
These are two more waitresses, Bre & Courtney. Both were extremely busy as were they all.
Here is Shannon.. She was in charge of the drawings...
Here is Holly and Mrs. Brumley as we head out to the stage for the drawings.
This is Callie Jo. She was one of the volunteers and the one who drew the tickets from the barrell
This is the stage as they were getting ready to call out the winning numbers.
The barrell with the tickets
Last pic of the day. After the drawings, I went back in to say goodbye to the folks at our table, but all were gone.
This will conclude this post. I had a great time today and look forward to riding with everyone again soon. I met alot of new people today and it was all good! Scroll down for more rides, events & posts and don't forget to click on the "older posts" link at the bottom of EACH page for more posts back to January 08. Until the next ride & post (next Saturday Blue Knight Tx XX club ride to Strokers in Dallas) ya'll be careful out there, RIDE SAFE and keep the rubber on the road......JOHN
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